Under Sink Repair Redding Ca

Leaky Pipe Repair in Redding, Ca

Summit Plumbing & Engineering, Inc. specializes in in-home plumbing repairs. Leaky pipes can cause damage to your house and can be potentially hazardous to your health if mold arises. It is best to repair the leak right away to save yourself from the potential costly repairs to your property. 

For Fast, Efficient & Affordable Leak Repair in Redding & Surrounding Areas,
Call Us Immediately!

Leak Detection

As the adage goes “begin at the beginning”. When you’re dealing with a leaky pipe, the beginning is detecting where the leak is located. Sometimes this can be difficult task since many pipes are placed behind drywall, in cabinets, under flooring, or in just generally hard to get to locations. Also determining the cause of the leak is necessary information if the leak is to be repaired correctly. 

Common causes of leaks are: 

  • Pipe Corrosion
  • Seal damage on faucets and shower heads
  • High water pressure
  • Drastic changes in temperature
  • Untreated drain clogs
  • Water heaters

Repairing the leak

If you notice a leak, or if you suspect a leak because your water bill has doubled and you are still using the same amount of water, you must either fix the leak yourself, or call an expert immediately. Summit Plumbing & Engineering, Inc. specializes in in home leak repair, we understand the severity of water damage, and will repair your leak promptly and professionally.